One thing you really want to see:

What kind of coat would you wear?

If you could, how long would you stay in Paris?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Second Day, and some pics from the third day...

The Eiffel Tower, magestically shadowed.

Mean, ugly, and fierce... All in all, a great guy.

A huge sculpture in Le Jardin des Tuileries. It is Pomona, the goddess of plenty.

This ferris wheel was expensive. It was about 30 euros, which is
equivalent to 40 dollars.

This was all carved from stone at the Orangerie, which
is a museum, not a fruit.

A close-up of one of the HUGE Monet's... I mean, seriously, they took up a whole, exremely long wall. They were like 7x20 ft... at least!

My fave picture in the whole gallery. It is a Picasso.

Picasso's signature

I can't remember who this was by, but it was at the Musee d'Orsay.

This is a cool gate that we passed.

Wow, we had a busy day today! First, we had to get our metro cards, which are what allow us on the metro. We went to the Opera Garnier, which is basically the national academy for music and dance. It was amazingly huge! Then we went to the Galleries Lafayette, which is 7 floors of shopping. Awesome... After all this we went (again by metro) to the Eiffel Tower. We climbed stairs the whole way, and we only were allowed to the second floor, but even then it was over 1200 steps. It was breathtaking. Then, we had to do some food shopping on rue Cler, which was in my old neighborhood! We got baguette, some really good cheeses, and veggies. Yum!

Au revoir!


  1. mmm. have some baguette and cheese for me! Favorite fromage so far?

    Did you guys see people rehearsing at the Opera Garnier, or is it not that kind of academy?

  2. We didn't see rehearsals, but it was beautiful. My favorite cheese was Brie de Melun.

  3. Sweet picture of the Eifel Tower! I like all they pics and can't wait to get some more updates!

  4. We have pictures of Notre Dame.. Its ceiling was like 100 feet high
