One thing you really want to see:

What kind of coat would you wear?

If you could, how long would you stay in Paris?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sixth Day

We went to the Air and Space museum today, and we got to go in an actual Boeing 747. It was huge!! We saw the Concord, and a bunch of untested prototypes. We got to fly a plane (on the computer of course...) and I was the only one who could successfully land the pane... And I only crashed one (or two, or three, or four) time...s. Then we went to the Louvre, and saw the Mona Lisa. A bunch of other things were there, and we saw an original statue of the Sphinx, and saw writing on the actual papyrus. So cool!

1 comment:

  1. wow, you guys are busy! cool that you're getting to see so much stuff, though.

    good stained glass pics - the colors really come through :)
